Rob Buckland-Nicks, originally of the United Kingdom, decided to pursue his dream and relocated his young family to Canada in 1975. With a 3-month old baby and a 3-year old child, he and his wife arrived in Canada. Rural, country life for Rob and his family was established in the small village of Bear River, Nova Scotia.
Over the next few years, through several iterations of partnerships and cooperative efforts, ‘The Flight of Fancy Arts Ltd.’ was founded in 1980 and is now known worldwide for excellence in fine art and craft.
Rob Buckland-Nicks is the sole owner and curator of this remarkable gallery where well-known Canadian and Atlantic Maritime artists, artisans and craftspeople are featured. Rob is the curator who knows how to bring superb works of art to one setting. Patrons from around the globe have come to admire and purchase his wares, to listen intently to the tales about the exquisite work and to learn about the treasures and magical experiences that make this hidden gem so spectacular.